HEDECS in collaboration with CONAC celebrates the 2015 Edition of the International Day against corruption

HEDECS in collaboration with CONAC celebrates the 2015 Edition of the International Day against corruption

The 9th of December every year is commemorated as the international day against corruption. In the North West Region just like elsewhere in Cameroon, the National Anti-Corruption body CONAC, is organising activities to celebrate this day. The theme for this year is “Fighting against street drugs”. It has as caption “Buying street medicine is buying death”.

HEDECS as an organization working in the domain of health could not stay indifferent. So in solidarity with CONAC, HEDECS staff joined in the anti-corruption march that took place this morning beginning at 6:30AM from the grand stand commercial avenue through T-Junction, Ayaba street, Old Town, Sonac street, City Chemist round-about and back to the grand stand at commercial avenue.  The march was crowned with some keep-fit exercises . This sporting exercise was led by the secretary general at the governor’s office Mr Makoge in the presence of the North West representative of CONAC, Mr Ambo Gaby. Part of the celebrations is holding at the governors conference room with discussions on more insights on the theme.



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